Generally, you avoid all foods that could be carriers of infections such as listeriosis and toxoplasmosis. Usually harmless, these two diseases can have dramatic consequences for the pregnant woman and / or unborn child.
Head of listeriosis, Listeria monocytogenes is particularly widespread. You save by not eating:
- Some dairy products:
- All raw milk cheeses;
- Cheese called "flowery rind": Camembert, Brie, is the square ... ;
- The washed rind cheeses: livarot, Munster, maroilles;
- Grated cheese industry.
- Some meat products such as:
- Rillettes;
- Pies;
- Meat and fish raw or undercooked, smoked fish and raw shellfish.
If you are not immunized against toxoplasmosis caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii - add to this list the game smoked or marinated. And usually undercooked meat. Finally wash thoroughly with clean water the vegetables, fruits and other herbs. And of course, ban all liquor.