The President of the United States Barack Obama was forced Friday, December 18th in the evening in a meeting between leaders of China, India, Brazil and South Africa to snatch a minimum agreement in Copenhagen, but this failure was total. The Europeans were totally absent.
The President of the United States Barack Obama was forced Friday, December 18th in the evening in a meeting between leaders of China, India, Brazil and South Africa to snatch a minimum agreement in Copenhagen, but this failure was total. The Europeans were totally absent.
This site specializes in American politics, Politico, who made the revelation and tells the story behind the scenes negotiations in the last hours seen by the U.S. delegation. It shows in particular that Barack Obama has had to bang on to attend the meeting to the great anger of the Chinese who did not want his presence. But Bush does not want secret negotiations between the four countries.
Feeling Friday that the disaster was being profiled and diplomacy, grand Mass led UN is nothing Barack Obama then asked for a face-to-head with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Friday afternoon. It was to get agreement on key points of negotiation that blocked such as transparency and control of commitments. After two weeks, only the United States and China had enough leverage to force an agreement. Barack Obama and Wen Jiabao have agreed in principle, but he still had to convince the Prime Minister of Brazil Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and South African President Jacob Zuma.
But late Friday afternoon, everything seemed lost, officially Singh and Wen had both left the conference believing that an agreement was possible that the Chinese and U.S. proposals were not acceptable, and the delegation was heading towards the same airport. In fact, leaders of China, India, Brazil and South Africa then held a secret meeting with Barack Obama was informed by his delegation. He decided to make one last attempt and win in this meeting to bring each other to account.
The President of the United States succeeded in persuading the leaders of four nations that a failure of the summit they would also be detrimental. The negotiation lasted an hour and a half and ended with an agreement between the five nations that is a fact that which gave birth on top.