The site Twitter micro-blogging seems to have been the victim of an attack Friday, December 18 morning. The site remained completely inaccessible for almost two hours, with a message to claim a "cyber army Iranian" appearing on the homepage.
"The United States believes that they control and manage Internet, but this is not the case, we control and manage Internet by our power" could be read in broken English. According to Le Figaro, "Twitter, including all sites remained inaccessible, has so far not provided any explanation on the nature and extent of the attack. Several methods can be used in place of a web page, hacking servers of the site to redirect the domain name less serious. "
Twitter is not at its first security flaw, reports the U.S. site Techcrunch. Two months ago, an error in the configuration of their servers had revealed such information on the internal network. Some hoped that with the appointment of new manager Dick Costolo and several high-level engineers, including security experts, the problems of the kind would disappear. The site continues:
"We do not know much about the group that claimed responsibility for the attack, we never heard their names before and they are not on site security and hacking. Iranian similar groups were active during the election campaign in this country. "
The site of micro-blogging had played an important role in the Iranian presidential election and the protests that followed (and which still exists). He was enabled to follow the demonstrations and other actions of opponents online. The first manifestations had been micro-blogguées live well before CNN - channel yet known for its breaking news - not interested, sparking anger in passing Iranian users.
In April, Loïc Reich returned columns in Slate on the phenomenon of nationalist hackers, the hackers virtual maintaining relations with States disorders and are increasingly politicized.