France: a baker scares away robbers with flour

Boissy-Saint-Leger, France - As three men broke into a bakery in town to steal the cash trade, a baker who was present at the scene managed to thwart the robbers by throwing flour face.
It was nearly 8 pm when three men, their faces covered, entered the trade of a weapon threatening the owner to recover the cash. The baker says and AFP: "The robbers were caught by the boss's throat to prevent her from shouting. I ran with my colleague. As I had nothing on hand, I caught a ferry flour, which was near the door, and I swung on the largest of the three types [...] The type was set to take four times with his gun to scare us. But He drew blank and we have not budged. "Being covered in flour, apparently he destabilized the robbers who then left the bakery running to escape. It appears that an accomplice was waiting and that the men have fled by car.